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Humanity Questions God Answers
Hello World
By Susanna C. Mahoney
Susanna C. Mahoney
Copyright © 2011 by Susanna C. Mahoney
Edition ISBN# pending
Every day, one reads and searches for answers about what is the purpose of humanity’s existence on this planet. One purchases and reads books, researches on the internet to this old question. Many are publishing their theories about the purpose of humanity, their purpose on Earth in various forms. So many theories are being proposed.
Yet, there has been confusion, since the beginning of creation to this life’s old question. People depending upon their perceptive of life’s existence, either decides to walk the path to seek their God and purpose. Others turn away and are distracted by the worldly riches of a fast paced life.
A life filled with vices which interrupts their destinations of spirituality awakening. Their path is block; to learn about God, Christianity and other Religious faiths. Be able to make the right decision; which will guide their life progression.
One starts their journey by opening one of many religious Holy books and research for the answers.. This method helps many and reassures the person that he or she is on the right path to choosing their life‘s destiny. Others are still confused by the messages in the literature. Giving up and put the books away for another time.
Some of humanity; instead of seeking answers to life’s questions, of a holy supreme being, deny the voice in their minds and hearts; ignoring their inner voice; which is the guiding force of seeking spiritual enlightenment.
They are tricked by Satan to walk down the path of evil and darkness. They are trick to praying homage to false idols, addictions and vices of the Earthly realm.
They are pulled further away from their spiritual truth God; who wants his children to come home to him, to turn away from the evil lure of Satan and his henchmen.
God desires if he could find a child or children who were willing to write a book about a conversation between God and humanity; which would explain the truth of his love; it probably would be similar to the following dialogue.
Humanity starts the conversation and with God, waiting for him to explain his perspectives of why and what he does to teach his children; the good and bad, he tells all his Children that he loves all of his Children, no matter what their transgressions are.
No matter what awful transgressions they have or will commit in the past, present and the future, from murder, adultery, lying, stealing and deceiving others. When they repent and call upon Jesus for mercy and forgiveness; they can be rescue from death. Be reborn again; by, admitting their transgressions and be willing to accept the Salvation of coming closer to the Creator, then they are saved and are reborn as Children of God.
The Conversation
Oh Jesus, I just was terminated from my employment, what will happen to me and my family, how will I pay the bills and keep the roof over our heads. I will have to go home and tell my wife and children that daddy lost his job today. How can I tell them this? Everything will change. It will take a white collar worker like me to locate a decent paying job within six months or more.
The military police are coming up my front walk, does this mean that my son was hurt and/or worse while he is Iran fighting for America’s freedom? Please don’t let it be true, have mercy on me.
My landlord just give me an eviction notice, I only have three days to get out. I can’t pay my rent, lost my job and no agencies have enough money to pay the back arrears. Where will we go, I and my children.
God and Jesus, I just received the bad news that I have cancer and not long to live. Please hear my pleas and have mercy on me.
Jesus, she was an innocent child, how dare they take her life so horribly. Those murderers should be punished. How will we get through this?
God, Oh why was my children born so deformed and disabled, what did I do wrong. Please have mercy on us.
These are so many tragedies, injuries, occurrences and death in our world, what kind of God and your son, Jesus are you(s)?, How can you punish the Children you love? What did we do, what can we do to change?
Humanity I love you from the beginning, I will never stop loving you. I sacrificed my only son for forgiveness of your sins.
I am not punishing you, man was given freewill. The freedom to choose their destinies, to choose their beliefs and take what action they think is correct.
I ask you, how many take a moment and talk to me and/or my son, waited for us to respond, listen with your ear and hearts? I am waiting patiently as your Father to hear your cries and give you forgiveness for your selfish ways. Yet you turned a deaf ear to me and my teachings. You mock Me and My son; you do not obey My commandments.
You do not pray and/or read the Holy books. Attend the Church on Sabbath days. Do not listen and dare to worship idols before Me. You commit adultery and murder right in My presence.
I am watching humanity murder innocent babies not even born yet. My gifts to you as parents, to be discarded like yesterday’s trash,
I cried for these unwanted babies, take them into My arms and reassured them they are wanted and loved. Your legislators veto my prayers and teachings out of your schools.
Christianity and Jewish Religious holy teachers, preachers, and rabbi’s mock me in their own churches and synagogues
You voted for laws to stop saying my son’s name, Jesus Christ in public. You, humanity are, or not able to give to My and your Children, My messages of love, unconditional to each other, to help one another, without thinking of befitting yourself, first. You as humanity, asked yourself, “If there is no benefit for me, why should I do this action for another? .
You, humanity only called upon Me when the troubles come storming into your lives. What about giving praises for everyday blessings?, such as the rising of the sun, and the birds that fly in the air also the shelter over your heads.
You are given so many other blessings. What about the raising of your children, which are being neglected.
I gave you babies as celebration, gifts to be cherished, with the unconditional love to be raised and share in your wealth and blessings. Yet you closed their ears, eyes and minds.
Teach them not to believe in my teachings, mocked me as a fool, not worshiping me as the true Alpha and Omega that I am, denied the children the truth of the holy book and it‘s messages.
Jesus is the light, the truth, the way to Salvation; the only way to enter the kingdom of Heaven You rebelled against me every day, mad about this or that, cursing me for your wrong choices and misery. I am patience and give you messages through others every day, display miracles of healings, and such. Yet, you, humanity turned your ears and hearts from me.
You are skeptical of the unseen, you do not believe, have no faith in the holy books, the truth, the unseen. Do you not know the pain, agony of all this betrayal does to my heart, I cry for humanity every day.
I watched your wickless increasing, your lust for the abominations that I disdain, increasing, the pain you humanity inflict upon each other is becoming out of control.
Most of humanity is selfish creatures right now. Your leaders of your nations are behind closed doors being deceitful and planning your demise with the enemy, threatening to bring out the nuclear weapons your engineers created. I am not the one creating this chaos, this confusion, this evil.
I watch as a Father, waiting begging that my Children are not as foolish to push that destruction button. Look, listen and see t
he destruction that is being created by mankind increasing, becoming a real threat, turning away from me and my teachings, is blinding you to the darkness..
Review go back in your history and see the pattern of why your straying from, me, denying me in schools, public places, employment, hospitals, nursing institutions and family homes.
Church participation is decreasing; religions are being mocked, fighting for first place and control of the masses.
Do you really not understand why tragedies are increasing such as the wars, the diseases, the unfortunate circumstances affecting families today.
Tragedies; creates the dilemma of the divorces, the abortions and the domestic violence. Increases rise of the killing of innocent lives. The racial profiling, and the coveting of others goods. Increasing cycles of poverty, unemployment, and crime increasing in your communities; You, are forgetting the weak, old and disabled neighbors, serving the “me” attitude as priority, being selfish, closing your eyes to the suffering in the world.
What happen to having compassion for one another and love for one another. You just turn the television channel when the stations show the starving children around the world.
Deny the poverty in front of your faces, walked by that homeless, addicted, lost stranger in the streets. Forget the blessings, not asking who is pulling your up when situations are bad;
With freewill; you do it by the boot straps, Yet do you ask who is helping you, admitting it was it I, The Omega, The Alpha, The First and The Last.
Why do not love your neighbor as I have loved you. Your country was founded on biblical principles by the fathers of America, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and many more,
What happen was that humanity has become blind, deaf and mute, all leading the lost.. How did human kind, lost focus and stray from the principles of the Holy book, their Constitution, Declaration of Independence and let Satan sneak in and took possession of your nations policies and it’s laws, distorting the truth?
The government is slowly eradicating your nation’s civil rights, human rights, bringing poisons and chaos in your minds, causing you to doubt Me, your loving Father and my son, Jesus.
It is time for humanity to wake up, open your eyes, ears, minds and observed that evil is cloaking your nations, minds and your children’s views. It is time to fight back and bring back the old traditions, morals and values, getting away from this dysfunctional thinking, read your Holy books.
Remember in your history past, you would call upon Me, your God and I would answer you, giving you much bounty, you did not need for anything.
Your economy was in good shape, there were more jobs, then people for them, no one was homeless, no one was hungry, and there was peace and joy in the land.
Then humanity got bored and technology in advancing, societies changed your views, women leaving families to go to work, not saying it is wrong.
Women are equal, yet there are here to be mothers and raised their children, teach them to walk in the light of God, not the darkness of Satan.
Latch lock children are being created, so bored out of their minds without parent supervision, leaving vulnerable souls to be tricked by Satan and his army.
Thus trouble is brewing on the horizon, baby criminals, alcoholics, junkies, run-away, abortions, domestic violence, the seven sins of gluttony, vanity, and so on.
Many evil soldiers are being molded for Satan’s army. Do you the parents, grandparents, authority figures supervise the music, internet and video games that Satan’s corporations are Creating, slowly brain-wasting our youth today for constant greed. Meanwhile all these inventions are making the children believe it is okay to accept and commit violence.
Committing bloodshed and, hurting another as correct, desensitizing them to murder mayhem and developing soldiers without conscious.
Parents, and grandparents, mothers, and fathers it is time to create a holy army to unite and act once again as a God trusting nation, take back our children.
Become the authority, not the friend, not the absent or distracted authority mentor in their lives. Yes, the children will rebelled against you at first, but don’t give up, be strict but loving parent. Stop Satan from taking your children’s souls.
Know he is a murderer, liar, thief, and destroyer very sneaky and deceptive. He takes the truth and twists it slightly, confusing humanity as what is right or wrong any more.
I ask why it was acceptable to take religion out of the schools. Why was it okay, to stray from your partners, and changed the laws of marriage, only man and woman is to be partners in marriage, no other copulating is acceptable.
It is allow in other religions, yet, why is there diseases, domestic violence, why do these children who choose another lifestyle end up dying with HIV, Aids, and other immune diseases.
I do not want to hurt any of my Children, these are Satan’s methods. When I hear the young children disobey their parents and authority figures, saying no, being spiteful, and rebellious, it hurts My heart.
This again is Satan molding the vulnerable souls to be his army. The more the Children rebels against their authority figures, they are being lead into the darkness, to his kingdom.
I know there are children living in poverty, living in the ghettos, barrios, and poorest part of the inner cities, victims of gangs, drug dealers, bullies and murderers. Their parents have a hard childhood, poor education opportunities and no employment; can’t take care of their children, bitter with me, for their lot in life.
There are educational program, social programs and of course, my churches of all faiths there waiting for my Children to call upon me. I want to lead them down the profitable path too.
I want my Children to live in abundance, not poverty. Call upon me, work with me, and I will grant your desires. If you do not work with Me, as a parent ;I cannot hold your hand all of eternity. You will make the wrong choices and suffer the consequences.
My son, Jesus and you, my Children have to experience trials and tribulations to recognize your purpose in your lives. Build your experience and wisdom in life; to help one another.
Stay away from the gangs, help your parents to escape their poverty and darkness, heal their bitterness and dream greatly, for everything is possible with God.
Stop the poor me attitude and escape your slavery bonds. Call upon Me, I will take your hand and lead you on the path of righteous. Have faith, stay strong journey through the battle; there is a light at the end of the journey.
One door will closed, but trust Me, focusing on Me, pray to Me, join a church where you feel supported. Become disciplines and lead my Children to Me, and if you believe, you will be blessed. Another window will open, I promise you.
Be brave and Ask My and your My Children to turn from Satan, walk away from the darkness, and come home to the light, their loving Father.
Seek my witnesses in today‘s times, they exist, as in the past. Remember the twelve apostles, Simon, who is called Peter, Andrew his brother, James, the son of Zebedee and John his brother. Also Phillip and Bartholomew. Thomas and Matthew, Jam es, the son of Alphaeus and Lebbseus, whose surname was Thaddaeus, Simon the Cananite, and even Judas Iscariot. He betrayed me. Yet, they were My faithful prophets, Paul, Mark, Matthew, Luke, John, wrote the gospels according to My word; They were willing to sacrificed their lives and follow Me and was assigned to write the New Testament of the Holy bible, which is alive 2000 plus years later.
I call to service every one. I selected as My soldiers; ones who are willing to give up their earthy lives and join my kingdom to do what I commanded, without complaining. Saul, who was named Paul, was a soldier in Satan’s army, chasing and persecuting my Children who believe in me, arresting them and imprisoning them and even putting them to their deaths.
I called upon Saul who was named Paul to stop persecuting my Children as he traveled on th
e road to Damascus. I blinded him, did not let him eat and drink for three days, when he was ready, he came home to me and left everything behind. Reborn again, as a prophet, transform into a holy solider to preach my gospel throughout the land.
He in return for his transgressions on earth had to repent and admit his sins to receive forgiveness. He was persecuted, jailed, whipped and starved, yet he knew in his heart that I was there by his side. Understanding the truth; for his accomplishments; he would be reward in the afterlife, in my kingdom with riches beyond measure. My ways are strange, yet as a parent, I am teaching the Children what happens when they rebel or decide to not be obedient to my ordinances. Paul listened and obeyed, he sits at MY right hand here in Heaven today.
I ask for you to listen, My Children I am not a vindictive Father. Rather I am a parent, authority figure, teaching you there are consequences and rewards for good and bad choices here are the earthly realm.
Listen to My Prayer, Our Father Who Art in Heaven; I gave to you to help you understand what I ask from each of you. The prayer is; Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed thy name, thy kingdom done thy will, will be done as in heaven as it is on earth,, forgive us for our daily bread and forgive us for our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us. Lead us not into temptation, but delivers us from evil. Amen.
Do you hear the message in this prayer? The message is to admit your transgressions, forgive your enemies and stay away from temptation and evil. Yet everyday my Children are committing transgressions against themselves and others.
Your suicide rate is rising among your young teenagers and adults. You disrespect your elderly, leaving them destitute and abandoned, to fend for themselves.
How many of you get off the couch, disrupt your busy working and social lives, to knock on a lonely senior citizen or a disabled person’s door and ask to be of service to them.
Do you offer your neighbor transport to church and to complete errands? No, when was the last time you thought to give funds or volunteer your time to a charity. When was the last time you help a homeless person and their families. Gave them clothing, food, and drink to these people. When was the last time you visited the sick or the imprisoned Child in jail?
Your purpose is to give strength and hope to the lost, abandoned and forgotten in your communities’ .This kindness is becoming rare. In my Book, the golden rule do upon to others what you would want done upon to you, is law. You should ask yourself, “What would Jesus Do”?
Where did these morals and values go? Humanity gave up and became distracted with creating a life of financial wealth, luxury and ease for themselves. Living the “me” attitude; this inner ego status is turning nations and its people in lazy and complacent people. Let someone else do it. Give funds, shelter, clothing and food to the needy, neglecting each other needs.
God I hear you, but how can one man changed the course of history? There have been many good man in our history, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and many others, plus the preachers all crying for help from you. We role model after them; and still nothing changes.
We wonder are You listening to our pleas for help? Are You turning a deaf ear to Us? How can we fight Satan on the earthly realm?
My understanding is that we need to become one with the spiritual realm. How does one travel there? How do we open the door to your kingdom; In the bible it tells us to knock and You will answer and invite us in.
We walk the righteous path for a while. Then temptations lures us back to life here on the earthly realm, the vices, addictions and sins which are exciting, and calling out to us, to turn from the light and walk in the darkness. Enjoying all of Satan’s devices, confusing us and our children which life is the chosen one? Asking ourselves is Heaven for real?
Our life of servitude seems to be without rewards. Lacking, stimulation, adrenalin and, the fast pace energy .It is fill with a lot of distraction, noise, for humanity does not like to sit in silence.
We are always looking for noise to be around us, turn on the televisions, stereos, radios, internet, testing on cell phones, etc. We have to ask ourselves why we as humanity are afraid to be alone with ourselves, not enjoy the solitude. The opportunity to become closer to You.
Yes, many good men were in servitude to me, yes they suffer tragic deaths. Their works carry on today. Their messages were not for naught; They were true soldiers, not afraid to profess the truth in public. Today, you are afraid to proclaim my name in public, afraid to take action and advocate for the righteousness in their nations.
As parents; it is time to take a stand; kidnap your children back from Satan; away from the violence of the internet, video games, televisions, movies and other outlets that teach the evil of Satan. Bring them back home to My teachings and churches of all faiths. Teach them to read and, listen to my words and teach them the Holy book and all it contains and have them live the true life.
Be responsible raise followers, apostles who will be willing to sacrifice their lives, and families to walk before me and complete their mission of spreading the gospel throughout the lands; Walk the path of the apostles, as they did in the old days
As for the fear of solitude, I think humanity is afraid of their inner dark secrets, thoughts, which seemed to be of a negative nature that nagged at their self-esteem and create fear.
Some thoughts are depreciating, depressing and lead to impulsive actions and rage against the ones who hurt you in the past. Revenge comes to mind, it becomes an obsession, and the ugliness consumes your every waking moment. Disrupting your abilities to be human and function in society, thus mental illness is born.
The truth is Me, God became man, He was Jesus and he is compassionate. I and my son want a personal relationship with each of you, My Children. Know that Jesus, he lives, he is alive, and he can set you free no matter what awful actions you have done.
Human kind should no longer mock the unseen God, My Children of the light are not fools. They know he, who follows me, will enter the door to paradise.
What about the evil in our nations? What about the murders, insane people, the psychopaths of our communities. The ones; without the coconsciousness, who do not know what is right or wrong. Not caring of their consequences of their actions.
The horrific acts of insanity they do to innocent victims. What or who is there when the parents have to hear the awful news from the police? Who is there to comfort them in their hours of darkness and loneliness?
I know my Child, life is not fair, innocent people are murder, slaughter and injured beyond repair sometimes. In heaven, each Child is given the choice of their destinies, and some choose trials and tribulations that are beyond indescribable mercy, to accept as their destinies on earth; Knowing in their subconscious if they call upon me, in times of darkness, I will be there to help them through it.
I will walk beside them and help them through the personal journey. They are given a second chance to relive their past lives and made up for their transgressions. Others are chosen early in their earthly realm to come home to me, to be assigned another position in my heavenly kingdom. There is a reason and a season for everything.
The loved one left behind are in terrible sorrowful agony, grieving, never thinking the pain and emptiness will heal. If they call upon Me, I too will answer them and hold their hand through the darkness. These experiences will prepare them to become true warriors.
Humanity suffers tragic every day; A change to forcibly closes one door and opens another door; to stay on their chosen path. Some of humankind realized the purpose of existence; to seek spiritual enlightenment. Others forget as in incidents such as;.
When a Child is killed by a drunk driver, mothers in their pain turns their sorrow into a fiery passion, and creates a prog
ram; Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. Others go into deep depression and turn away from Me. The tragedies that occurred raised new causes and so many other programs are created. These tributes give humanity their callings and purpose of helping another and taking the steps to evolve in their growth.
The trials are to encourage the earth’s Children to want to help others. Leading them to seek the truth and look for the light. Help other through their tunnels of darkness; Strengthens their commandment of loving thy neighbor. Every act of kindness will open their subconscious to their predestined choices and aid in the walk down the correct path. The found who are walking down the right path are transcending to the next level of spirit awakening, and receive more insights to become better teachers. Sometimes horrific acts of inescapable torture are the only way to awaken these sleeping Children, to seek their purpose on this earthly realm.
What about the insane leaders of the nations who are to gather nuclear destructed weapons, biological warfare to use against the weaker nations?
It tells us in the Holy book, that two powerful nations will combine together and join forces to go after the land of milk and honey, the apple of your eye, Israel.
You, God warns that you will rain retribution upon any nation that raises their arms and weapons against this nation. We, as humanity have suffer through this immaturity warp behavior of mad men, for many centuries; such the like Hitler and the Holocaust. War I and War II
Where is our refuge, our safety of not being a pawn in these wars and War III that is on the horizon as indicated in the Holy books?
I know Child, there are very wick men and leaders all being led by dark forces, Satan to commit mayhem and murder, shedding blood without a conscious, waiting to pounced upon Israel and other weaker nations. I do not forget the murderers who in the past committed hideous crimes against humankind, all led by the Devil. They will be punished when the time comes.
These mad leaders are groom from infancy to desire and take power, resources and forces from others. Forcing weaker nations to become hostages to be slaves, and follow the leader’s definition of their government structure and religious views. Their freedom is taken away. Such as were My Children of Israel experienced. I heard their pleas and after forty years led them to the promise land.
Child, I see the chaos in the present world; All the innocent victims being slaughter for their beliefs. It hurts Me. Remember a long time ago I made a convent with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that I will not let one hair on my Children perish.
I made a promise; If they call upon I and my son, Jesus and turn their hearts to Us, admit their transgression to Us. I will raise them from the dead. They will be alive again in my eyes and heart. Others who denied me, I will turn a deaf ear and heart to them, giving them time to repent, if not, there will be consequences.. They will be thrown in the lake of fire, to be torture until the end of ages. The children in the final battle, if they are mine, will be taken up in the rapture to be with me at my throne on that day.
The Children who live in the darkness and commit transgressions will be punished and feel My wrath. They are thrown into Hell and given an eternity of agony, gnashing their teeth and screaming for mercy..
I have read the Holy books, I have asked to understand the passages, but I can’t. I go to church and read the Sunday bible lessons, yet it is a foreign language to me.
If I think I understand, someone comes along and distorts the meaning and I am lost and frustrated, give up and put the Holy book away for another day.
The world comes crushing in and I am distracted. Telling myself I will take time and read the bible. Then it is bedtime and another day is upon us.
My Child, the Holy book is my gift to you. A guide to understand I your loving Father, there is no burden that is too heavy for me. I am here to lighten the yolk I am always here, never changing, the same today, tomorrow and in the pas. I am here in the present and will be in the future.
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last.
My Child I know what is deep in your heart and all your thoughts and transgressions. Think to yourself, did you honestly admit all your transgressions? Can you not see I can see in your heart and know all your deepest darkness secrets. Nothing is hidden in the light.
Do you have one or more transgressions to admit to Me and a witness, to confess all of your transgressions?
Ask my Children who thought their transgressions, murder, abortion, adultery, stealing, coveting thy neighbor spouse and goods, committing serious offenses against another is not to be forgiven? Listen to them, the truly repented, the murderers, prostitutes, drunks, junkies and all sorts of criminals, who call upon Me and my son, Jesus.
They can testify to you, if they are truly repented, then I their Father will forgive them. Ask them next, what happens?
Do you not hear of the stories of how the saved described their Salvation, when the Holy Spirit comes upon them. They will tell anyone willing to listen; how for hours, days, weeks they have tears that pour out of the repented Child’s eyes, cleansing all wounds and sins from their vessel?
As they cry, admitting their transgressions. They report feeling a soothing warm loving Spirit come upon them, and have the urge to go to a church service to speak and/or understand the new Father.
They desired to seek more of this unconditional love, seeking My presence, as they communicate to Me and my son, Jesus, praying for Us to come into their hearts.
We hear them; after a while they prayers are answered, if truly committed. They will tell others someone is listening to their prayers, miracles occurring every day. These people understand the sermons, the Holy book, and true meaning of the sacrifice my son Jesus. They are privy to the inside scope of the gospels and teachings. They are willing to learn the most valuable rule; to give total unconditional love to each other and to be able to forgive the sinners for their transgressions. and come back home to Us.
Ask yourself how many would have that trust, faith and courage to put your life on the cross of sacrifice and put yourself in these unfortunate innocent victims and solider ‘places To be cru fix on the Cross, burn at the stake, burn in an incinerator, torture for their beliefs.
Would you allow soldiers to grab you, strip you naked, put a crown of picky thorn upon your head, whip you with a nine’s cat tails, 39 times, until you are bloody and raw. To be slapped in the head and face. Spit upon in your face, humiliated beyond human understanding.
He was forced to carry a very heavy cruel unshaven wooden cross, cutting his back and shoulders as it sunk from the weight of the wood. He walked barefoot in the filthy streets, humiliated, sweating and bleeding profusely in front of his loved ones. His mother was crying in front of him. She wiped the sweat and blood off his forehead, which was blinding his eyes.
He was humiliated and yet was an innocent man, who loved his Father and humanity and asked for the cup to pass him, yet as a good So, he accepted his fate. How many of you, humanity would take this mission?
He was killed by the Gentiles and to be raised the third day to give humanity the gift of being reborn again.
I want all My Children, to be with Us in the heavenly kingdom; to judge the twelve tribes of our new creation at the end of ages. How many of earth’s Children have hidden dark secrets to admit to Us? Do you truly have faith and believe in Us?
The message is if you are truly repented I will forgive you and give you the insight into the Holy Spirit. I, your Father want to give you, all the gifts and secrets to open the spiritual realm. The first instruction is to receive the Holy Spirit, start by study the Holy book and, learn to understand the meaning of our word.
There are so many gifts waiting; the ability to prophesy. Speak in foreign tongues. To be able to heal,
and other gifts you could enjoy. You must be willing to turn your heart to I and my son, Jesus. And accept Salvation to receive the Holy Sprit and the gifts I am waiting to give you.
Are you willing to leave your loved ones behind, all your treasures and follow me? Are you willing to give up everything on earth? Become true warriors?
I heard you, God, but I afraid, to leave behind all I am familiar with, my loved ones, my treasures I worked so hard for all of my life. Yes, I am ashamed of my transgressions. I disobey my parents; I was not there when my father was dying.
He and I had words and different views of what he wanted for my life. He wanted me to go to college; I wanted to travel around the world for a year. He thought it was a waste of money and precious time. Then I married a Jewish girl, a woman out of our faith.
He was so judgmental and said cruel words to my spouse. She was pregnant and we lose the baby. She is still furious that I did not protect her as he was reaming her for her generalities of her family, faith and other life choices she chose. Blaming her for our fail destiny, I was working at a minimum paying job, enjoying the position, waiting for my employer to notice and give me that promotion I deserve. We were both at fault. .
Then the economy changed; recession came, stopped all of our dreams and now I have to ask for financial assistance sometimes from him. He is cruel and reminds me of my past mistakes. Making me realized it was a burden, an nuisance for my father to do anything for me. Why would I trust an unseen Father, such as You, to give me mercy and gifts, if my real father denies my existence in this world?
Thank you my Child, for admitting your deepest secret transgression to I and my son, Jesus. Yes, it was awful that you went through those bad experiences; your wife losing your unborn son, who is here with me by my side. Did you know he was not meant to be born yet. He decided in utero to come back home to Us. I am a forgiving Father and heard his plea and chose to take him.
I saw the difficulty that you as a Gentile and your wife, as a Jewish Child would have if this Child was born into your family. There was too much personal and family conflict, I decided that this Child should come home to Me, to live in peace. Give you as a married couple more time to adjust to life. Tell your wife, please forgive Me, it was not her father-in-law fault that the baby died on the vacation visit.
The stress and the pain in my heart gave the perfect time to call his spirit home. When you and your marriage grow in maturity and faith, did I not give you two more beautiful gifted children into your lives?
You as a father took those Children for granted, not giving them quality time, always putting your career and money as first priority. Go away on long business trips, all a ploy to not grieve.
You, in misery, are always missing their events due to excuses. Did you not just miss your daughter’s birthday last week because you have to finish that presentation for your employer?
God, I did not know the true story behind the miscarriage, thank you for taking care of our Child. I am glad he is in your safe arms; You love and protect him. How do I forgive myself, how will my wife forgive me? How can I forgive my father for his judgmental and harsh reality he rose me in?
I did not realize I was neglecting my children like that? Please forgive me, give me the strength not to place my career and finances as priority. I promised to be a better father and worship you. Attend church every Sunday. My wife is so bitter since she lost our son.
She is angry with you for taking him away so soon. She is anger with me too and will not listen to me. We barely speak as it is.
yes, I know my Child, thank you for realizing that you need to change your priorities, worshipping Me, your family, your career and your true calling. Yes, your wife is furious with Me and my son, Jesus. She needs time to heal.
If she sees your change of heart and you become the head of the family and you keep praying, not forcing her to come to me. In time your prayers will be answered and she may turn her heart to you and Me, again.
As for your father, that is a difficult choice, he is damaged from childhood trauma and lived difficult life full of many trail and tribulations; struggles which chipped away his faith; he is bitter and decided to close off from the reality of his true purpose and calling. He has put up the Walls of Jericho; even I cannot break them down.
He has turned a deaf ear and heart to Me and you. You may have to disconnect from him and wait to see if life’s humility will soften him and make him desire a new life of being alive, saved, seek salvation and not stay dead in the earthly realm.
If you are true; I promise to change my ways, to cooperate with my wife. Help her to open her heart again. Admit and accept her misery and help her move on; To open the door to your mercy and forgiveness. Remember to be gentle with my words, and let her know that I am there for her.
I can suggest grieving therapy, at the clinic or maybe through the pastor at our local church. We should both go together or separately, until the wound hurts less. I should let her know she is precious and a treasure to me and the children. Get involved in one of her hobbies if she wants me too. Is it too late?
It is good that you want to change your ways, to cooperate with your wife. Be willing to be more compassionate and share her pain with her. Please forgive yourself and her for the loss of the baby. Speak positive words, for they are powerful; they can be a healing balm. Do not lash out in anger at her and use communication negatively, it can psychological damaging, creating psychic scars to an individual for life.
I understand as humanity we need to understand words are not to be thrown out there, impulsively or recklessly. . We should think first and meditate on what we want to say to someone. Now I understand why silence is the golden rule. The lesson is to think before speaking. Not to act rashly and say the first thought that comes into your head
Yes going to the pastor might help and to ask for help is a good idea. As spouses we should not take anything for granted, especially each other, our children and loved ones. We should make family priority. Bring peace to the world.
The question is how we should unite all the religions, all the people who are stubborn, afraid and unsure to come together and agree to live in peace. To persuade humanity, and will not be flexible and let others who are different voiced their opinions, and persuade them to change their ways and believe in spirituality?
Not to be closed minded and preventing someone different from them not be allow into their lives and churches? If I understand You are asking for an open door policy, all are Welcome.
Yet, every faith has their perspective of what their religion is. I believe the Jewish, Islamic don’t believe there is a son, your son Jesus ever existed as a supernatural being. He was a prophet only, a man. How do we accept your definition of truth?
There are their idols and other idols of various faiths, not just the Christian views out there, They are all asking which one is the true calling?. Some are skeptical about all the truths out there. Other humans who would go through fire to profess their faith, and would suffer through the bloody and painful cru fixes and other tortures to sacrifice their life for others, for You? It is so complex.
I understand Jesus Christ did a powerful act of sacrificing his worldly existence, his body, his essence to cleanse sins from earth. He lived on the earth for 33 years, than let the Romans and Gentiles extinguish his life so brutally.
The question is with life’s difficulties, war, poverty, famine, diseases and death, who would trust an invisible Holy being to guide his life? In today’s times, how many men would trade places with Jesus? I need to seriously think if I would leave my family, my life, and all I achieved and to be brutally murder like He was.
p; To be humiliated like that, spat on, whipped 39 lashes, slapped in the head and face, let the enemy hammer thicken metal nails into my hands, wrists and feet and nailed me to a wooden cross. Humans are cowards.
He died of suffocation, was in pain agony, beaten to a bloody pulp, kicked and punched, beyond human tolerance. Craving water to drink, thirsty and was given anything to drink, except the bitter liquid those soldiers gave him, as they mocked him.
He was shivering, cold, and naked in front of his loved ones and strangers. Dying in front of his mother, he had to bear the pain which was inflicted on her and the family.
People need to open their minds, hearts, eyes and ears and their essence to feel My and Son’s presence. To admit their transgressions, pray the Salvation prayer and ask for Us to come into their lives.
Try an experiment and see if I and my son, Jesus is real. Give us 30 days and follow us as the apostles follow Jesus in the Holy book. Follow our laws and treat one another as you would want to be treated.
Know it is time to unite as one nation under God. Be willing to compare your religions and understand within the book’s passages; it all comes to one conclusion: to love your God, your neighbor, yourself with unconditional love,. Ask for mercy and be able forgive your enemy and ones who hurt you. Remember holding on to the grudges, only is spiteful to you.
Festering anger does terrible consequences to humanity. Anger, fights, domestic violence, neglected children, causing the lost to turn to vices, like alcohol, drugs and sex for avoidance, numbness and to escape the pain of the misery of the hurtful actions. My son was a good child who knew why he was coming to the earth, to be born, to learn, to preach, gather followers and bring souls home to me.
His mission was to erase the act of transgression; my first Children, Adam and Eve did when deceived by Satan, taking a bite of the forbidden fruit off the Tree of Knowledge. Combat Satan in Hell and let him know when he took over that his reign was temporary.
Do you remember the day, when the influence of corruption could not touch you; IT came visible, you saw it all around you, at home, from friends, at work and even at your church? You watch, asking yourself, why would someone lie, cheat and steal, and hurting the ones they love?
How could someone be that cruel? Yet, were you not a victim of it many times, yourself? You were upset with Me when being ill with that mysterious, illness, fatigue that was causing cognitive and physical disabilities.
People were taking advantage of your limited capabilities and cognitive reasoning. You were too weak to reasonably function I protect you from their evil intentions. You were afraid to let your employer know about it, that the symptoms were interfering with your job.
When you did speak to your employer, all a sudden your employment was being reviewed. Job performance was evaluated.
You invested twelve years plus overtime. A younger employee comes in and overheard you speaking to your doctor and told your employer of the conversation. The next week, every day you came in, everyone was becoming distant, not as friendly.
Conversation stopped in mid-sentence, your employer was criticizing your performance more.
Giving you less responsibilities, annoy with you leaving early for personal business, medical appointments.
Office parties being celebrated and you are sent out on last minute errand, not able to socialize with your co-workers. You tried to communicate your feeling and doubts, not knowing why the atmosphere changed almost overnight, it became a hostile environment.
All a sudden you were the outsider, your job performance was being reevaluated and passed over for that promotion you been working for. Your holiday bonus was so little, you could not tell your family that their holiday was going to be sparse.
The final straw which broke the camel’s back was someone stole your digital camera, and when you try to get justice, you were labeled paranoid.
Child I saw everything, every evil act those associates did to you. You now know deep in your core, the truth and the lies; what is hidden in the dark, will come to the light. Your eyes were opened and you were thrust into the world of corruption. You saw the truth and was able to understand all people actions. You were tired, fed up and disgusted with all the head games and lies of humanity and call upon me for rest. I gave you this.
Did you not shout out God have mercy me and get me out of this horrible place. Do you not remember a door opened and you hear my voice telling you to not be afraid and take another path, I will always be there for you Child. Trust in Me and my son, Jesus Christ.
I ask, are you not at peace now? If yes, then I ask can you be an apostle for me, go out and witness the truth, through preaching, writing and teaching. Recruit more soliders to be prepare for the final battle on the horizon.
Do you now understand why my Son live and died the way he did? Corruption did not touch him; he was pure to the end. I gave him the insight and knowledge to know and see through his enemies.
They were blind, jealous, petty and cruel, afraid of the mysteries, healings and other miracles, he perform. They were scared and wanted him to be gone. Satan deceived the gentiles to betray Jesus and all who believe in him. Yet, his honor and the truth remind even today, 2000 plus years later written in the gospels.
When they are confronted with fear of the unknown; Isn’t that what humanity does to each other, plan to betray each other over petty, jealous and cruel competition. Desiring for their treasures and complaining of never having enough. Always wanting more than the other person, inflicting pain upon each other, to get ahead..
Humanity are becoming psych vampires, sucking the energy out of each other, causing imbalance of the mind, body and inner essence. This dark living brings the symptoms, of anger, depression, hurt and insomnia, and other illnesses. Label with mental health imbalances and, hopeless, which can lead to suicide and death.
I have talk to my friends and in church I do see a different change coming upon some. They are telling stories of being reborn again. They thirst after the word, the gospel of this man named Jesus.
The earthly realm does not concern them so much anymore. The conflicts and, personal tragedies are not negative, rather is a test of faith. These awakenings are opening the door to the spiritual portal, closer to Jesus.
The more tests they achieved, the more they help someone they proclaim there are rewards, If not here on the earthly realm, then in Heaven. How can I believe in this philosophy, when I have not felt this thirst, cannot see You?
I am angry at you for this illness, my wife, my lost unborn child, not to mention all the horrible indignities in the world, the wars, the poverty, the famine, the weather, so many crisis’s and painful consequences for being human, a Child of God?
Yes, there are Children who are being blessed, willing to turn their attention to me and my son, Jesus. Humanity has to be willing to open their minds, ears, hearts and inner essence. Others who are in doubt and do not believe.
I ask for My Children to give their souls to Me. Admit their transgressions, in front of witnesses, or Me. Ask Me to forgive them and accept them into my kingdom. All experience trials and tribulations, some harder than others. I feel your pain and anger at your tests.
You feel overwhelmed, I am sorry. You need to be honest and seek the hatred in your soul and let it go before I can let the Holy Spirit entered you.
All of my Children need to be willing to hear my voice and follow their destinies. The trials and tribulations are preplan to teach these Children the hard knocks of life. All to prepare for their coming destiny.
I am testing them to have them get prepare and learn to navigate through the journey; stronger and wiser. Humanity has to able to help one another in similar situations.
You are being chosen by Me to have this conversation. Child, do not have doubts, in your heart do believ
e in your mind and soul. Those who are confuse and afraid are following the societal pack of the blind, deaf and mute. Not willing to admit, and see the truth, they are not willing to open their eyes, ear and hearts to hear Me. .. I am sorry for their pain, doubt and fear.
I know you are anger with me, for the illness, your wife and your unborn child. Do you not realize that all humanity, whoever you are. Rich or poor all are predestined to live your destiny before you were sent to your earth mother to be born.
Everyone has to go on their journey; some are harder and full of tests more than others. You are favorite and stronger then you think humankind. Do you regret anything that happens? I do not think so. It is all a lesson
The horrible indignities in the world pain me terribly too, do you think I do not cry for humanity and my hurt and forgotten children. There are solutions, yet mankind is too selfish to give anything of selves.
Your billionaires of your nations are coming together voicing they are donating their earned monies to charities; Question is it out of concern, out of love, or to escape the tax loophole that your leaders are trying to place upon them? They were given treasures and bounty not to be kept to selves but to be divide among the earth’s population, among the poor, widower and disabled first.
My solution would be to divide their share and give it to the right charities; there would be no homeless people. Invest in job and training creation programs provided with decent living wages. Fill the food pantries making sure they are never empty. Fill the clothing closets for all to have clothing in all seasons; be warm in the winter. Setting up a barter system where people are helping people to be self-efficient, with no motives or ask what is in it i for me?.
How can we solve each other’s concerns, if there is always a purpose behind the assistance; which is not of sharing but of selfishness.. I cannot help those who can or will not help themselves. Such as the indignities in the world, all created by human kind with freewill, giving them the choice of making all and some wrong decisions.
The question is how do we as humanity teach each other with being offense that we need to ponder and meditate upon decisions. To take the time, patience and thinks through a difficult situation, instead they act irrationally or immaturely, not asking for advice from You and this is why we have the mess we are in today. Now I know I need to meditate on the word before making those important decisions in my life..
They are in denial, avoidance, impulsive, lazy or just do not care attitude mode. They are choosing the easier road to resolve the problem. Yell at You and your son if the prayers and their resolution are not what they were seeking. You have plan their destinies and do not answer all prayers. Answering the wrong prayers would distract each individual off their path. Everyone has an assignment to complete.
They are afraid of the unknown and trusting an invisible supreme being, using earth’s vices, to fill in the empty void in their genetic-creation. Denying their weakness of having an addiction, alcohol, drugs, sex, and other vices problem. Becoming self-destruct and hurting themselves and other with the ill consequences.
Using avoidance as a defense mechanism when You call upon them, almost plea with them to listen and take action for prevention measures. Not listening to the warnings such as when annoying pain radiating up and down their arm, the shortness of breath, nausea, and other symptoms, is it an anxiety attack or a real heart attack? If they listen to your instructions and took time to meditate on the spiritual dimension then then answer would come. You would send an angel their way. Like my cousin who was on an Amtrack train and received a warning to get off before scheduled stop. She got off and asked for the local hospital. Arriving it time before an aneurysm bursts in her head. The warning was divine guidance from you.
We keep telling yourself it is indigestion, stress and so on. Until the symptoms become severe, exhaustion, throwing up blood, then as humanity we are screaming at You for not being there in their time of illness and darkness. Yet, you have given us many warning and signs to get help.
How many messengers did I sent you over time, your loved one pushing you to call the doctor. The stranger that told you, you do not look well, should get it check out? The stories and the songs I have send you and you were in denial and avoidance. I do not want my Children to suffer. Yet, when you are diagnosed, you cry foul and are furious with Me.
I was patience as a Father and gave you many opportunities to seek medical assistance. Tried to open your eyes, ears, hearts and the intuition I gave you, to hear my voice and my messages.
There are Children, who are depressed, sad and empty inside. You are all seeking a thrill, feeling of adrenaline surging, causing you to act impulsive. Doing something foolish, increasing your reaction for fun, such to step on the gas of a two ton car and speed up around the curve.
Then you wonder why did the car go out of control and hit the tree, why that Child was injured or is dead.
Their loved ones scream and curse Me, as if I am at fault. Did you take that Child to church every Sabbath day; did you help him/her find Me to complete that emptiness in their souls? Did you tell him/her to be careful on the road? The car could be a weapon, not to be used foolishly? Did you tell that Child the night before he walked out the door, that you love him/or her?
Did you compliment them on their achievements? Give them hope and strength on their journey on life’s road? Some parents nagged, and are abrupt, not apologizing for their impulsive language. I apologize to those if they did their job as parents and authority figures, by raising the Children correctly.
Did you Child make a mistake, subconsciously or consciously, letting Satan in the door of their mind.
Has his motives too, he may of been targeting that child, to get back at Me. I am wholly sorry for his soul being lost to the darkness.
So many of your youth, lost, unsaved and undecided have no guidance, no mentor, no authority to teach my laws. Want to read and obey my laws. Desire to learn what is right and wrong.
Learn to be silent, patience, to think thoughts through and communicate with me when in pain and have nowhere to turn. Everything will be all right. Remember I told you that my Children are created and born to walk their destiny; you, as parents are being blessed to borrow these precious souls to share the joys and sorrows on this earth.
If raised in My ways, then you as a parent an authority figure would be comforted knowing that these Children would be saved and allowed through the door into my kingdom. Understanding, that you will see your loved ones again in the afterlife, in my kingdom.
To not suffer in agony, pouring tears from your heart and soul. Be relieved and live in joy, for I promised if you are saved, you too will be reunited with your loved ones once again
Speaking of the afterlife, there are so many beliefs to evaluate, which one(s) are the truth? I am and my loved ones are confused which direction to travel? Is there a Hell?
The statistics of various religions has shown that a percent of humanity believes in Hell, but do not need to be saved to not be thrown into the lake of fire. This is confusing.
They are raised by the churches doctrines believing that completing good works on earth, loving thy neighbor and themselves. Live a well-meant life of service; attend church and giving 10 percent of their income, tithes to their churches. Thinking good works will grant them permission to enter in to the heavenly kingdom. They have to ask for You and Jesus to come into their hearts.
Other religions do not believe there is a Heaven or hell; they have different views and definitions of the afterlife, recreation and salvation. How do we, as Christians help, explain the true message that you are trying to convey to humanity?